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Sugar Rush Webinars, Webinars & Workshops

Sugar Rush: Opportunities & Challenges in Southern Africa

18th May 2021

Sugaronline is proud to present the ninth instalment for 2021 of its popular “Sugar Rush” seminar series where together with Noncedo Mviko of South Africa’s Department of Trade and Industry, Devesh Dukhira of the Mauritius Sugar Syndicate, and Nick Kwolek of Kwolco, we looked at sugar production and how trade is shaping up in the Southern African region.

In this free, 45-minute webinar, we took an in-depth look at S&D amongst the different countries, export opportunties and challenges and what prospects look like for the crush.  Presentations: Devesh Dukhira - The MAURITIUS SUGAR INDUSTRY: Opportunities & Challenges in Regional Trade (PDF) Nick Kwolek - OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES IN SOUTHERN AFRICA – SADC

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